Android Architecture

The Android Operating System has several general layers, each with a set of specialized functionalities.

The Application layer is where the individual applications (installed from a store or locally), reside.

The Application Framework layer exposes system APIs for common functionality that is commonly used by applications. Some of those functionality are display visual elements, share data, or access telephone or GPS functionality.

The Library layer contains C and C++ libraries which handle low-level processes, such as graphics drawing, network encryption, multimedia playback and image rendering.

As a subset of the Library layer, there is the Android Runtime layer, which represents the area of the OS where the VM responsible for running applications resides.

The Android Runtime Layer contains the following Java libraries:

  • Dalvik VM Specific Libraries: for interaction with a Dalvik VM instance
  • Java Interoperability Libraries: subset of Java Core Libraries adapted for use in the Dalvik VM
  • Android Libraries: libraries used in application development and responsible for most of the core functionality of applications

Finally, the Linux Kernel layer is the underlying layer that ties all of the upper layers together. It arbitrates all access to the underlying device hardware, via device drivers. Just like a computer, the kernel also handles memory, processes, and power management. More information on the Linux kernel here.

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