
Sometimes called “auditing”, accountability deals with “what did the user do when they were on the system?”, and we have the ability to associate all activity on a system with the entities that were involved.

This requires unique identifiers (sharing the same user ID, or account, makes auditing difficult).

This is often needed for compliance and legal reasons.

This establishes accountability for transactions (who access the sensitive data, who made the changes?) and administrative functions (who started a job or initiated a process?).

For accountability to work, we need to have sources we can trust, i.e. we have to prove the source and integrity of transactions on a system.

This means logs may need to be duplicated and saved in a separated place and we need to be able to check they were not altered or destroyed somehow.

We also want to check for transmission errors. For example we want to make sure when a person does a transaction, it will not be processed twice, and the person be charged two times. Same with interuption in communication, we want to make sure we don’t have a half-done transaction.

One way to prove accountability, just like Integrity is to use hashing. We could also have header and trailer records for files passed between systems, so we could identify if a files was missing, or if half the file was transmitted.

This is the reason end of report notices exists: to prove completion of the printing of a report (even on empty reports).

The next important concept is non-repudiation: to know who did what, and they have no way to repudiate (deny) that they were the one doing the activity.

Non-repudiation can be achieve with strong logging system: who, when, what and comments on why a certain action was taken.

Logs need to be retained for a certain length of time. This is sometimes for legal requirements but also it serves internal investigations. Depending on the use case, it can be month or years, or in other cases days.

During that time, logs should be protected against alteration, access, and deletion.

The log should be taken at the point of activity (error, during modification, access etc), analysed, and aggregated centrally if possible to get a better overview of everything happening.