
Integrity is the protection of data and processes from accidental or intentional alterations or modifications.

For data, we look at:

  • Accuracy: level of conformity to fact
  • Completeness: is the data complete or partial?
  • Precision: do I need complete data or is rounding enough?
  • Reliability: is the data dependable, trustworthy?

Integrity within the applications can be kept in check with edit checks: check for the format of the data, the range, the value limits, the access levels (read only…).

Integrity can be enforced with a hash value: the hash becomes the proof of integrity.

Hashing algorithms include MD5, SHA-1 (subject to collision), SHA-2, SHA-3.

Hashing can be used in digital signature to prove that a patch, code or binary comes from the intended vendor.

The signature proves the authenticity of the data it is applied on.

Integrity preserves processes and sensitive information from improper changes. This ensure that only authorized changed are made by authorized entities.

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