Threat Modeling Vocabulary

  • Weakness: software defect (or bug)
  • Vulnerability: software weakness that can be exploited
  • Attack: 3 different properties
    • Target: something of value
    • Attack Vector: the mean to reach the target
    • Threat Actor: the one carrying the attack
  • Attack Surface: anything that can be obtained, used or attacked by a threat actor.
  • Risk = Impact \(\times\) Likelihood
    • Impact: the negative outcome of an attack
    • Likelihood: the probability of something happening
  • Attack Tree: A tree structure that represents attacks against a system. The root node represents the goal of the attacker and the leaf nodes represent the different ways to achieve that goal (see example below)
  • Attack Library: Detailed list of attacks against a system. Note: don’t rely solely on attack libraries to threat model, they are narrow in focus. Every applications has unique qualities that generalized attack libraries can’t predict.
    • CAPEC: MITREs Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification
    • OWASP Top10: Web application risks

Simple Attack Tree

Sensitive data breach
--> SQL Injection
    --> Queries not parameterized
    --> Input not validated
    --> Inputs not sanitized
    --> No Object Relation Mapper (ORM) used
--> Exposed Files
    --> Public S3 bucket
    --> Privilege escalation
        --> Improper access control
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