Duck Typing

Duck typing is another way to do polymorphism. Actually, duck typing is polymorphic by definition. Duck typing describes the concept of creating objects of arbitrary types that all respond to the same method call: if it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, then it’s probably a duck.

The only thing we do care is whether unrelated objects have a common particular behavior (method).

Imagine a website.rb program that have different element that can respond to a mouse click.

# website.rb

class Checkbox
  def click
    # check/uncheck

class Textbox
  def click
    # focus

class RadioButton
  def click
    # select current option, unselect other

class Link
  def click
    # open link

From the point of view of a possible mouse or pointer object, the object does not need to know if the element is a checkbox, a link or something else. All elements have the ability to handle a click whether they are a checkbox, link or else.

Like the idiom say, we don’t need to check whether it is a duck. It’s good enough to know it quacks like a duck and walks like a duck ; as long as it behaves like a duck, it’s as good as a real duck.