Methods in Java

Methods in Java a written with a name in cameCase, preceeded by a return-type (or void for method that returns nothing), followed by a typed parameter list (which can be empty) and a body which consists of zero or more statements enclosed in brackets.

static void doSomething() {
  System.out.println("Do something...");

We will go into more details about the modifier static later. For now it’s just a way to compile our code.

Variables in Java are scoped to the method they where declared. See also Local Variable Scope.

Parameter Passing

In Java, parameters are passed by value. In other words, they receives a copy of the original value, and what happens in the method does not affect the original object. See also Pass by Reference vs Pass by Value.

int myVal = 5;

static void doubleVal(int val) {
  val *= 2;
  System.out.println(val); // 10

System.out.println(myVal); // 5
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