Local Variable Scope

The scope of a variable indicates where in a program a particular variable is available for use.

A variable’s scope is defined by where the variable is initialized (or created).

In Ruby, the scope of a variable is determined by a block, or a piece of code after a method invocation, usually delimited by curly braces {} or do/end 1 .

Inner Scope and Outer Scope

The concept of inner scope and outer scope is dependant of the context in which they are referenced. Like the name suggest, the inner scope is inner relative to the outer scope.

For example, let’s say we have a program in a text file. The program inside has a block. Relative to the program (outer scope), inside the block is the inner scope.

Now, if in this block we have yet another block, this second block will be the inner scope, relative to the first block which becomes itself a outer scope.

That being said, the important point is:

Inner scope CAN access variables initialized in an outer scope but a outer scope CAN’T access variables initialized in an inner scope.


a = 9    # Integer 9 assigned to variable a in the outer scope

loop do  # Method invocation with a block
  a = 5  # Integer 5 assigned to variable a in the inner scope
  b = 3  # Integer 3 assigned to variable b in the inner scope

puts a  # => 5
puts b  # => undefined local variable or method `b'

Source: Variable Scope, Introduction to Programming with Ruby

Not all do/end pairs imply a block: Deciding Whether Part of a Code is a Block or Not
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