Heredoc with Ruby

In Ruby, it is possible to use a Heredoc in order to write a multiline strings.

This is done just like in Unix shells, with the important difference that no space should come between the heredoc identifier and the double carret (<<) because Ruby uses thoses as well.

result = <<HEREDOC
First line
Second line

The identifier (here, HEREDOC) can be whatever you want but all-uppercase identifiers are generally used.

One inconvenience with heredoc is that, as they preserve spaces and indentation, writting heredoc in Ruby can results in ugly and badly indented code:

class TicketMachine
  def error
This ticket is #{travel_price} yens.
Please insert #{insufficient_funds} yens.
Thank you.

<<- with a dash - lets you indent the closing heredoc identifier to the same level as the opening one.

If we had indented our multiline strings correctly, the indentation would have ben output as is, which is not what we want.

To have the message aligned against the left amrgin, we can use…

The Squiggly Heredoc

Since Ruby 2.3, we have a new heredoc syntax called the squiggly heredoc. Beside a funny name, it strips the leading whitespace in order to let you write nicer code:

class TicketMachine
  def error
      This ticket is #{travel_price} yens.
      Please insert #{insufficient_funds} yens.
      Thank you.

The only difference beside the now well indented multiline strings, is the use of the tilda: <<~.
