Practice Problems: Local Variable Scope

Example 1

a = 'Hello'
b = a
a = 'Goodbye'

puts a
puts b


The code outputs "Goodbye" then "Hello" then returns nil.

On line 1 we are initializing the local variable a to a String object of value Hello.

On line 2 we are initializing the local variable b to the value of the String object which local variable a points to.

On line 3 we are reassigning the local variable a to a String object of value Goodbye.

On line 5 we are calling the method puts and passing in the local variable a. Method puts output the value of the object which the passed in local variable points to, and returns nil.

On line 6 we are calling the method puts and passing in the local variable b. Method puts output the value of the object which the passed in local variable points to, and returns nil.

This code demonstrates the concept of variable as pointer of address in memory.

Time: 04:57

Example 2

a = 4

loop do
  a = 5
  b = 3


puts a
puts b


This code outputs 5 then raise an error undefined local variable or method 'b'.

On line 1 we are initializing the local variable a to an Integer object of value 4.

On line 3-8 we are calling the method loop and passing in the do..end block as an argument. The do..end block is executed for until the break condition is met.

On line 4 we are reassigning the local variable a to a different Integer object, this timne of value 5.

On line 5 we are initializing the local variable b to an Integer object of value 3.

On line 7 we are breaking out of the loop with the break keyword.

On line 10 we are calling the puts method, passing in the local variable a as an argument.

On line 11 we are calling the puts method, passing in the local variable b as an argument. However, the local variable b is unreachable in this scope because it was initialized in a different scope.

This code demonstrates the concept of variable scope and how it affect which local variable can be used or not in different scope of the code.

Time 1: 07:46 Time 2: 06:20

Example 3

a = 4
b = 2

loop do
  c = 3
  a = c


puts a
puts b


This code will output 3, then 2 and returns nil.

On line 1 we are initializing the local variable a to an Integer object of value 4.

On line 2 we are initializing a local variable b to an Integer object of value 2.

On line 4-8 we are calling the loop method and passing in the do..end block as an argument. The do..end block is executed until the break condition is met.

On line 5 we are initializing a local variable c to an Integer object of value 3.

On line 6 we are reassigning the local variable a to the Integer object pointed by local variable c.

On line 8 we are breaking out of the loop with the break keyword.

On line 11 we are calling the puts method, passing in local variable a as an argument.

On line 12 we are calling the puts method, passing in local variable b as an argument.

This code demonstrates the concept of variable scope and how it affets which local variable can and cannot be called depending of the scope it has been initialized in.

Time 1: 05:46 Time 2: 05:35

Example 4

def example(str)
  i = 3
  loop do
    puts str
    i -= 1
    break if i == 0



The following code return nil and output 'hello' three times.

On line 1-8 we are defining the example method with one parameter.

On line 2 we are initializing a local variable with the integer object 3.

On line 3 we are calling the loop method and passing in the do..end block as an argument.

In the block, on line 4 we are calling the puts method and passing in the str parameter to it. It output the string object hello and return nil.

On line 5 we are reassigning the local variable i to i - 1. -= Is a shorthand for = i - 1 and - is a method call on i with the argument 1.

On line 6 we are breaking out of the loop if the condition is met. The condition asks for the local parameter i to be equal to 0.

On line 10 we are calling the example method passing in one argument: a string object 'hello'.

This code demonstrates the concept of loop with breaking condition.

Time: 10:18

Example 5

def greetings(str)
  puts str
  puts "Goodbye"

word = "Hello"



The code return nothing and outputs:


On line 1-4 we are defining the greetings method with one parameter str.

On line 2 we are calling the puts method and passing in the local variable str which points to the string object Hello. This line outputs Hello and return nil.

On line 3 we are calling the puts method and passing it the string "Goodbye". This line output Hello and return nil.

On line 6 we are initializing the local variable word with the object string "Hello".

On line 8 we are calling the greetings method passing in the local variable word to it.

This code demonstrate the concept of local variable scope. The local variable word is accessible inside the greetings method because we are passing it as an argument when calling the same method.

Time: 07:23

Example 6

arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]

counter = 0
sum = 0

loop do
  sum += arr[counter]
  counter += 1
  break if counter == arr.size

puts "Your total is #{sum}"

The code returns nil and output Your total is 10.

On line 1 we are initializing the local variable arr to an array object of elements from 1 to 4.

On line 3 we are initializing the local variable counter to an integer object 0.

On line 4 we are initializing the local variable sum to an integer object 0.

On line 6-10 we are calling the loop method and passing in the do..end block.

Inside the loop on line 7 we are reassigning the local variable sum to sum + arr[counter], which += is a shorthand of.

On line 8 we are reassigning the local variable counter to counter + 1.

On line 9 we are breaking out of the lopp if the condition is met.

On line 11 we are calling the puts method and passing in the string "Your total is #{sum}" to it. The local variable sum will be outputed as the actual value it points to, stringified (like if we are using the .to_s method.

This code demonstrates the concept of local variable scopes. The sum variable is modified inside the loop but its results still appears outside it on the last line.

Time: 10:05

Example 7

a = 'Bob'

5.times do |x|
  a = 'Bill'

p a


The code outputs "Bill" and returns "Bill".

On line 1 we are initializing local variable a to a String object.

On line 3-5 we are calling the times method on Integer object 5, passing in a do..end block as an argument. The do...end block is executed once for as many times as the times method is called (5 times), passing in the count time as a parameter. Afterwards, the times method returns the Integer it was called upon (5).

On line 4, we are reassigning the local variable a to a new String object "Bill".

On line 7 we are palling the method p, passing in the local variable a to it.

This code demonstrates how scopes work in Ruby.

Time: 09:01

Example 8

animal = "dog"

loop do |_|
  animal = "cat"
  var = "ball"

puts animal
puts var


The code will output "cat" and return nil then raise a undefined local variable error.

On line 1 we are initializing the local variable animal to a string object.

On line 3-7 we are calling the method loop and passing in a do..end block as an argument.

The do..end block is executed for each loop, with the parameter _.

On line 4 we are reassigning the local variable animal to a new string of value "cat".

On line 5 we are initializing the local variable var to a string object.

On line 6 we are using keyword break to break out of the loop.

On line 9 we are calling the method puts and passing in local variable animal as an argument.

On line 10 we are calling the method puts and passing in the local variable var. Since var is initialized in a different scope, an error is raised at this point.

This code demonstrates the concept of local variable in Ruby.

Time: 08:58