Example 1
Given a non-empty string, check if it can be constructed by taking a substring
of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may assume
the given string consists of lowercase English letters only.
## Problem
Input: a string of two or more English letters, in sequence or not
Output: a Boolean, true if the given string was in sequence, false otherwise
- String size cannot be odd
- Sequence is 2+ characters size
## Examples
Example 1:
- Input: "abab"
- Output: true
Explanation: It's the substring "ab" twice
Example 2:
- Input: "aba"
- Output: false
## Data
## Algorithm
. Init `string_size` to return value of string size
. Return if `string_size` is odd
. Init `is_pattern` to false
. Find Substring of `char_size` chars
. Iterate over the string with `upto` called on 1, passing in
`string_size / 2`
. Init `substring_candidate` to the return value of the string sliced from 0
to `char_size`
. Find if it's repeated substring (see below)
. Break early if `is_pattern` returns true
. Slice the given `string` in `char_size` chars and check if they are all the
same and save the return value inside `is_pattern`
. Init `substring_array` to new Array
. Init `string_candidate` to value pointed by `string`
. Init `iterator` to 1
. Loop until `iterator` equals `string` size / `substring_size`
. Slice `string_candidate` of `char_size` and save the return value in
. Check that `string_array[0]` is equal to all value in `string_array`
. Return true if true
. Return false
. Return `is_pattern`
def repeated_substring?(string, substring_size)
substring_array = Array.new
string_candidate = string
iterator = 1
until iterator == string.size / substring_size
substring_array << string_candidate[0..substring_size]
iterator += 1
def repeated_substring_pattern(string)
string_size = string.size
return false if string_size.odd?
is_pattern = false
1.upto(string_size / 2) do |char_size|
is_pattern = repeated_substring?(string, char_size)
break if is_pattern == true
p repeated_substring_pattern("abab") == true
p repeated_substring_pattern("aba") == false
p repeated_substring_pattern("aabaaba") == false
p repeated_substring_pattern("abaababaab") == true
p repeated_substring_pattern("abcabcabcabc") == true
Time: 36:17
Alternative Solution
The solution above does not work with a string of the same characters sucah as 'aaaaa'
because it returns false for string of odd size.
Given a non-empty string, check if it can be constructed by taking a substring
of it and appending multiple copies of the substring together. You may assume
the given string consists of lowercase English letters only.
Example 1:
- Input "abab"
- Output: True
- Explanation: It's the substring 'ab' twice.
Example 2:
- Input: "aba"
- Output: False
## Problem
Given a string, find if it contains repeatable substring.
Input: non-empty string with repeatable substring or not
Output: true or false, depending if it has repeatable substrings or not
- Non empty
- Only English letter? (no)
- Spaces? (No)
- All same characters is always true
- Odd characters (except all same) always false
## Data
Arrays of strings
## Algorithm
. From the string create an array of x characters substrings
. Init a local variable sliced_string to new Array object
. Init a local variable substring_size to Integer 2
. Loop form 2 to half string size
. SLICE_STRING passing in `x` characters
. Check if they are all the same
. Slice from 0 to `x` chars
. Add `x` to 0
. Slice again until reaching string size
def slice_on_n_characters(string, size)
equal_substrings = []
first_char_index = 0
loop do
equal_substrings << string.slice(first_char_index, size)
first_char_index += size
break if first_char_index >= string.size
def repeated_substring_pattern(string)
return true if string.chars.all?(string[0])
return false if string.size.odd?
sliced_string = []
half_string_size = string.size / 2
2.upto(half_string_size) do |substring_size|
sliced_string = slice_on_n_characters(string, substring_size)
return true if sliced_string.all?(sliced_string[0])
p repeated_substring_pattern('abab') == true
p repeated_substring_pattern('aba') == false
p repeated_substring_pattern('aabaaba') == false
p repeated_substring_pattern('abaababaab') == true
p repeated_substring_pattern('abcabcabcabc') == true
p repeated_substring_pattern('aaaaa') == true
Time: 31:52
Example 2
Write a method to find the longest common prefix string amongst an array of
If there is no common prefix, return an empty string "".
Example 1:
- Input: ["flower", "flow", "flight"]
- Output: "f1"
Example 2:
- Input: ["dog", "racecar", "car"]
- Output: ""
Explanation: there is no common prefix among the input strings.
All given inputs are in lowecase letters a-z.
## Problem
Input: an array of strings (english lowercase letters)
Output: Common prefix between strings or empty string if none found
- Prefix therefore first letter matters
- Same string in array: return string itself
- Size matter (not that much)
## Examples
See above
## Data
## Algorithm
. Return "" if first letters of each string is different
. Return first string if each string are the same
. Iterate from first char of first string of array until string size
. Save the resulting substring in a local variable
. Check if resulting substring is same substring in each string of array
. Continue if true
. Return current substring - last character otherwise
def same_prefix(array, substring, substring_size)
substring_array = array.select do |str|
str[0...substring_size] == substring
substring_array.size == array.size
def common_prefix(array)
return array[0] if array.all?(array[0])
substring = String.new
0.upto(array[0].size) do |char|
substring = array[0][0...char]
if same_prefix(array, substring, char)
return substring[0...-1]
p common_prefix(["flower", "flow", "flight"]) == "fl"
p common_prefix(["dog", "racecar", "car"]) == ""
p common_prefix(["interspecies", "interstellar", "interstate"]) == "inters"
p common_prefix(["throne", "dungeon"]) == ""
p common_prefix(["throne", "throne"]) == "throne"
Time: 23:13
Example 3
Given 2 strings, your job is to find out if there is a substring that appears
in both strings. You will return true if you find a substring that appears in
both strings, or false if you do not.
We only care about substrings that are longer than one letter long.
## Problem
Find if two strings have common substring.
Input: Two strings
Output: true if common substring, false otherwise
- String of +1 chars size
- Empty string always return false
- Case is irrelevent
## Data
Arrays of string and substrings
## Algorithm
. Return false if one of the string is 1 or less character long
. Return true if both string are the same string (dowcase)
. Downcase both given string
. Iterate from 0 upto string size - 1, passign in start_char as a param
. Iterate from start_char upto string size - start_char - 1
. Slice string and save result to a local variable substring_1
. Do the same thing
. Add substring_2 to substring_1 and save to all_substring
. Delete substring that appears more than one
. Compare the result with all_substring and return
def every_substring(candidate)
str_size = candidate.size
substring_list = Array.new
0.upto(str_size - 1) do |start_char|
(start_char + 1).upto(str_size - 1) do |end_char|
substring_list << candidate[start_char..end_char]
def substring_test(str1, str2)
return false if str1.size < 2 || str2.size < 2
return true if str1 == str2
substr1 = every_substring(str1).uniq
substr2 = every_substring(str2).uniq
all_substr = substr1 + substr2
all_substr.uniq != all_substr
p substring_test('Something', 'Fun') == false
p substring_test('Something', 'Home') == true
p substring_test('Something', 'Fun') == false
p substring_test('Something', '') == false
p substring_test('', 'Something') == false
p substring_test('BANANA', 'banana') == true
p substring_test('test', 'lllt') == false
p substring_test('', '') == false
p substring_test('1234567', '541265') == true
p substring_test('supercalifragilisticexpialidocious', 'SoundOfItIsAtrociou') == true
Time: 23:21
Example 4
Find the length of the longest substring in the given string that is the same
in reverse.
As an example, if the input was "I like racecars that go fast", the substring
(racecar) length would be 7.
If the length of the input string is 0, return value must be 0.
"a" -> 1
"aab" -> 2
"abcde" -> 1
"zzbaabcd" -> 4
"" -> 0
## Problem
Find the longest palindrome.
Input: a string of length 0 or more
Output: the length of the longest palindrome
- Could return string size if string size <= 1
- could return string size if first char of string is the same as all the char
- Can the input be a sentence with spaces? (No)
## Data
Arrays of substring
## Algorithm
. Init palindrome_list to a new Array object
. Iterate from 0 to string size, passing in `first_char` as a param
. Iterate from `first_char` to string size passing in `last_char` as a param
. Save to palindrome_list if current iteration is a palindrome
. Discard otherwise
. Return the size of the longest palindrome in palindrome_list
. Check if the string reversed is the same as the passed in string
. Return true or false
def palindrome?(candidate)
candidate.reverse == candidate
def longest_palindrome(candidate)
palindrome_list = Array.new
string_size = candidate.size
0.upto(string_size - 1) do |first_char|
first_char.upto(string_size - 1) do |last_char|
palindrome_cand = candidate[first_char..last_char]
palindrome_list << palindrome_cand if palindrome?(palindrome_cand)
palindrome_list.min { |a, b| b.length <=> a.length }.length
p longest_palindrome("a") == 1
p longest_palindrome("aa") == 2
p longest_palindrome("baa") == 2
p longest_palindrome("aab") == 2
p longest_palindrome("baabcd") == 4
p longest_palindrome("baablkj12345432133d") == 9
Time: 20:24
Example 5
Given a string, write a method `palindrome_substrings` which returns
all the substrings from a given string which are palindromes. Consider
palindrome words case sensitive.
Test cases:
palindrome_substrings("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious") == ["ili"]
palindrome_substrings("abcddcbA") == ["bcddcb", "cddc", "dd"]
palindrome_substrings("palindrome") == []
palindrome_substrings("") == []
## Problem
Returns substrings from a given string if they are palindromes (case sensitive)
Input: a string a-z with different case
Output: array of substring which are case sensitive palindrome
- Only a-z strings? (Yes)
- Return empty array if none found
- Return empty array if empty string given
- Returned arrays' element are ordered in find order
- Palindrome is 2 chars or more? (Yes)
## Data
Arrays of strings
## Algorithm
. Init pal_substr to a new Array object
. Iterate over the string from 1 upto string size -1 passing in start_char as
a parameter
. Iterate over string from start_char + 1 upto string size - 1
. Add string sliced with start/end_char to pal_substr if PALINDROME?
. Continue otherwise
. Return pal_substr
. Return given string equal to given string reversed
def palindrome?(candidate)
candidate.reverse == candidate
def palindrome_substrings(str)
pal_substr = Array.new
0.upto(str.size - 1) do |start_char|
(start_char + 1).upto(str.size - 1) do |end_char|
candidate = str[start_char..end_char]
pal_substr << candidate if palindrome?(candidate)
p palindrome_substrings("supercalifragilisticexpialidocious") == ["ili"]
p palindrome_substrings("abcddcbA") == ["bcddcb", "cddc", "dd"]
p palindrome_substrings("palindrome") == []
p palindrome_substrings("") == []
Time: 16:26
Example 6
Write a method that will return a substring based on specified indices.
## Problem
Find the substring based on the given indices (second and third parameters)
Input: a string
an indice indicating the first character in the string
an indice indicating the last character in the string
Output: substring from the string based on the two indices given
- String is zero indexed
- Return empty string if indices are bigger than the string? (No)
- Negative indice possible? (No)
- Default indice are nil and nil? (Yes)
## Data
## Algorithm
. Return empty string if no indice provided
. Init string_size to size of the given string
. Check if first indice is bigger than string_size
. REDUCE it to a value between 0 and string_size if true
. Return the character at the first indice index if second indice is nil
. Check if second indice is bigger than string_size
. REDUCE it to a value between 0 and string_size if true
. Return every string between first and second indice
. Until value is smaller than string_size, substract string_size to given value
. Return new value
def reduce_indice(big_indice, max_size)
while big_indice > max_size
big_indice -= max_size
def substring(string, ind_start=nil, ind_end=nil)
return '' if ind_start.nil?
string_size = string.size
ind_start = reduce_indice(ind_start, string_size) if ind_start >= string_size
return string[ind_start] if ind_end.nil?
ind_end = reduce_indice(ind_end, string_size) if ind_end > string_size
p substring("honey", 0, 2) == "hon"
p substring("honey", 1, 2) == "on"
p substring("honey", 3, 9) == "ey"
p substring("honey", 2) == "n"
Time: 18:56
Example 7
Write a method that finds all substrings in a string, no 1 letter words.
## Problem
Find every substrings of a string of more than 1 letter.
Input: a string
Output: an array of every substrings of 2+ letters
- Order matters
- Case matters
- Substrings is every group of 2 or more characters included in the given
## Data
## Algorithm
. Init a local variable results to empty Arrat
. Count from 0 up to string size - 2, passing in char_start as a parameter
. Call SUBSTRING_MAKER passign in the string and char_start
. Save the result to results
. Return results
. Init a local variable substrings to empty Arrat
. Count from char_start + 1 to string size, passing in char_end as a parameter
. Save the result of string slicing at index char_start and char_end
. Return substrings
def substring_maker(string, first_letter)
substrings = []
(first_letter + 1).upto(string.size - 1) do |last_letter|
substrings << string[first_letter..last_letter]
def substrings(string)
results = []
0.upto(string.size - 2) do |char_start|
results << substring_maker(string, char_start)
p substrings("band") == ['ba', 'ban', 'band', 'an', 'and', 'nd']
p substrings("world") == ['wo', 'wor', 'worl', 'world', 'or',
'orl', 'orld', 'rl', 'rld', 'ld']
p substrings("ppop") == ['pp', 'ppo', 'ppop', 'po', 'pop', 'op']
Time: 15:05